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DISKPART > Attributes Disk (디스크 특성 변경)

디스크 특성 제거

#Attributes Disk



 읽기전용 attributes disk set readonly

 특성제거 attributes disk clear readonly

참조: https://pario.no/2011/05/23/clear-read-only-flag-on-disk-in-windows-7-using-diskpart/

This is a short HOWTO clear the read-only/readonly flag/attribute on a disk in Windows 7 using the diskpart command from a Windows Command Prompt.

Be sure to do this on the right disk since the diskpart command can do serious damage if you run it on the wrong disk.

  1. Open a command window by running the diskpart command from a Command Prompt
  2. Determine which disk you are going to modify:
  3. DISKPART> list disk
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
      --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
      Disk 0    Online          149 GB  1024 KB
      Disk 1    Online          465 GB   465 GB
  4. Select the disk you are going to modify
    DISKPART> select disk 1

    You have now selected disk 1

    list disk
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
      --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
      Disk 0    Online          149 GB  1024 KB
    * Disk 1    Online          465 GB   465 GB
  5. Clear the Read-Only attribute on the selected disk
    DISKPART> attributes disk clear readonly

The disk is no longe Read-Only protected.

If you would like to set the disk Read-Only again just do the same procedure and write

DISKPART> attributes disk set readonly

in the last operation.

When you are done modifying the disk attributes just issue the exit command


and the diskpart windows will be closed.